Black Bloc – Genoa 2001

This movie follows the lives of seven people who went to Genoa to demonstrate against the G8 in 2001, and their recovery from the traumas they experienced.

This movie follows the lives of seven people who went to Genoa to demonstrate against the G8 in July 2001, and their recovery from the traumas they experienced there. During the protests more than 1,000 demonstrators, medics and journalists were injured through excessive police violence.

Carlo Giuliani died during clashes on 20 July, when Carabiniere (Italian military police) Mario Placanica shot him in the face at point blank range. Lying on the street, his body was then run over twice by a police jeep. This movie does not follow his story, but rather the violence that occurred in the days following his death, mainly at the Diaz School, where countless demonstrators—among them the subjects of this film—were seriously injured in further police attacks.


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