The Mud Wizard in His Own Words

By wearing this religious garb, I hope to bring spirituality to the fight. How can we topple the powerful from their thrones? That was the meaning of my gesture.

The Summer of Migration, Ten Years On

2015 is still with us! Our societies have been deeply transformed, and made more diverse and beautiful. Self-organized movements, solidarity networks, and support projects that emerged ten years ago still…

The Messiah and the God-Emperor of Zurich

Book review: The Ministry for the Future reads like an insufficiently self-conscious parody of itself, complete with an overly self-important title and tone-deaf execution. It would read much better as satire.

Towards Another Uprising

By being open to complexity and specificity, anarchist action can be a liberating endeavor. It is here that we can find affinities, build relationships, and muster the strength and courage—or perhaps, humility and passion—to attack.

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Struggles for Justice in Syria and Palestine

Neither Syrians nor Palestinians need us to teach them how to liberate themselves. They know what they need, and they know what liberation for them looks like. But can we help lessen the extreme conditions they live under so that they have the space to self-organize?

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The Hope and Tragedy of a Revolutionary

See these people who are going out and protesting? They will once again go out against Bashar al-Assad, corruption, oppression, Russia, Iran, and all the nations of the world. This nation will never submit again. This matter has already been decided. We’re already victorious; we can’t be defeated.

We Should Know Where We Stand

Internationalists and anti-imperialists should support all struggles for social justice, radical democracy, and self-determination worldwide. The oppressed have the right to demand dignity, and we have a duty to support them as comrades.

Aleppo Is Burning. Assad Must Go.

This man is responsible for countless people being murdered, raped, tortured, imprisoned, and starved to death. Accepting him staying in power is the same as saying we shouldn’t have brought Hitler down.

Campisme : La trahison des gauches occidentales

Au nom d’un anti-impérialisme tronqué, de nombreux militants échouent à soutenir celles et ceux qui luttent, au Sud comme à l’Est, contre des régimes parmi les plus oppressifs de la planète.

La Lucha Política es Permanente

“Hemos aprendido durante los 35 años que tiene la organización que mantenernos juntos es lo que nos tiene seguros. El proceso organizativo se vuelve en un proceso que nos garantiza la vida, la seguridad, y la paz.”

Seid Mutig!

Oft haben Menschen Angst vor Macht, vor der Regierung, vor herrschenden Meinungen. Aber wenn sie nie jemanden sehen, der keine Angst hat, werden sie Mut nicht lernen und ihre Meinung nicht wirklich ändern. Deshalb muss Mut sichtbar sein.

Featured transcripts from The Fire These Times

On Chemical Attacks and Genocide Denial

If people would accept not knowing much and were willing to learn, we’d be in a much better place. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, so here we are fighting chemical weapons denialism, which is probably the worst place we could be.

Destroy Fascism, Embrace Complexity

Leftist theory has not been updated with advancements in complexity theory, information theory, the modern technically interconnected world, cybernetics, or all these other things that have happened since the industrial revolution.

“We must pull up chairs for the ghosts.”

There are certain types of violence and levels of death that certain forces want us to feel are normal, that it always has been and it always will be. But it’s very modern, very new, all of this.

Why White Nationalists Love Assad

The Assad regime’s open genocidal policies against its own people are enviable to people on the far right. For people whose politics come from identification with the state, this completely unrestrained killing is the highest form of freedom.

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The Antidote Writers Collective seeks to resist and counteract the poisons that course through the veins of our politics, our cultures, our movements, our relationships, ourselves.

We believe that a strong collective immune system is built through knowledge and understanding and that the struggle against division and repression requires building a new culture of discussion that goes beyond flat definitions, brittle ideologies, stubborn dogmas, idle preconceptions, and petty rivalries.

We will share knowledge with each other, aiming to build empathy, and in turn enable the emergence of genuine solidarity—one which does not demand uniformity across contexts, one which does not “include” you, but in which you include yourself.

In this spirit, we will provide a platform for a diverse set of voices, especially for those otherwise silenced or ignored in “mainstream” discussions. We want to hear from people engaged in radical struggles all over the world. We seek neither agreement nor conflict, but rather to identify issues at their roots, and to consider different radical approaches to their resolution. And though we at the Antidote Writers Collective have voices—and we will use them—we will not presume to speak for anybody.

On the contrary, we invite you to offer us new ways of thinking, new ways of seeing. It’s not about establishing a space for comfy ideological self-indulgence, but for questions, for a true diversity of voices and viewpoints, and for turning all of this into action.

One World. One Struggle.

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