Bosnia: Protests Continue Despite Contradictions
A pair of AKL activists recently visited Tuzla and spoke with people involved in the citizens’ assemblies and protests there.
Bosnia: Protests Continue Despite Contradictions Read More »
Assertions of the basic human freedom to make and remake social relations.
A pair of AKL activists recently visited Tuzla and spoke with people involved in the citizens’ assemblies and protests there.
Bosnia: Protests Continue Despite Contradictions Read More »
Die Stadt Yabroud ist die Kommune des syrischen Aufstands. Neben dem Vorbild für religiöse Koexistenz, viele ChristInnen leben in der Stadt, wurde Yabroud auch Vorbild für Autonomie und Selbstverwaltung in Syrien.
Gespräch mit dem syrischen Anarchisten Nadir Atassi Read More »
The Bohemian immigrants to Chicago and Cleveland, two big centers where they settled, were linked with Chicago anarchists…who were themselves a very bohemian bunch in the 1880s.
Journey Through a Counterculture Read More »
Written in remembrance of the children who, for all of our striving for freedom and justice, for all our craving for respect for our existence, have been murdered by the police and the military, by officers and presidents.
Sunset, Sunrise: Threnody for Child Victims of State Violence Read More »
It’s misleading for the international community to say the citizens of Bosnia need to take ownership of their own issues, but then when they take that phrase literally, to say, “oh, that’s not what we had in mind.”
Being unschooled breaks down a lot of barriers around age. In school, you’re always in your age group. In unschooling, anyone of any age can be your friend or someone you’re learning with or someone who’s teaching you. It opens up a lot of social possibilities.
Unschooling, the Sixties, and Today’s Left Read More »
Die Küsten des Mittelmeers stehen in Flammen. Nichts wird jemals wieder so sein wie früher.
It’s different to establish a council through state intervention than it is to see one established on a grass-roots level, spontaneously, from below.
1989: Not the ‘End of History’ in Venezuela Either Read More »
Es ist faszinierend zuzuschauen wie sich die Menschen organisieren. Welche Rechte sie sich wieder aneignen, der Spielplatz und Park sind Ausdruck davon. Tatsächlich drängen sich Fragen auf, wie würden wir mit einer derartigen (überlebens-)Krise umgehen?
Solidary living is something that must be learned, of course. Therein lies the current limit of our social movements: acting beyond the promise of monetary reward takes practice.