Essays & Analysis

Articles composed or presented by a single author or a group speaking with one voice, transcribed, translated, or tenderly (re)produced by Antidote and our friends.

Syria, Refugees, and Solidarity

If the relatively small number of refugees can be used today as an excuse for restricting freedom of movement, building walls and impenetrable borders, increasing the powers of the security state, and fomenting divisions based on race, religion, or national origin, what will tomorrow bring when the effects of climate change and ecological collapse cause vast movements of people around the globe?

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The Balkans in Rightwing Mythology

The ideas that became socially acceptable with the rise of Serbian nationalism in the 1980s soon found their concrete political implementation. What emerged was an ideological cocktail of racism, demographic panic, conspiratorial paranoia, and revanchism that ultimately proposed an urgent need for action against an allegedly existential threat.

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