Prefiguration & Permanent Revolution

Assertions of the basic human freedom to make and remake social relations.

Comparing Emancipatory Struggles in North and West Kurdistan

It is not easy to overturn the influence of 500 years of Turkish authority during which people have been marginalized, isolated and treated with utter disrespect. To change all of this requires a lot of work on the ground, and on the individual level as well. But what is promising is the zeal and determination of the activists in the area.

Comparing Emancipatory Struggles in North and West Kurdistan Read More »

What Form Should Our Antifascism Take?

Antifascism as a purely reactive, defensive strategy will not win us any new oppositional territory, as recent years have shown. Without a politics of class and without a real-existing infrastructure, Antifa remains a kind of ineffectual fire department that keeps falling back on the mere defense of bourgeois society.

What Form Should Our Antifascism Take? Read More »

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