Syria Retold
Bashar al-Assad wanted to remove the moderates so he could say, “See? It’s only me or the extremists.” But there are still moderate Syrians, many of them. If their numbers are fewer, we need to ask ourselves why. Where did they go?
This is Hell! Radio has been broadcasting and podcasting from Chicago and “manufacturing dissent” since 1996. Between 2014 and 2021, Antidote Zine transcribed over two hundred of their in-depth interviews with scholars, activists, revolutionaries, and journalists on a variety of topics. This is of course only a tiny fraction of the fascinating material they have released, and still release on a regular basis.
Original audio and links to the show’s website are included in each post. Support This Is Hell! on their patronage site! And let us know if there are additional interviews of theirs you would like to see here in text form: antidote[at]riseup[dot]net.
Bashar al-Assad wanted to remove the moderates so he could say, “See? It’s only me or the extremists.” But there are still moderate Syrians, many of them. If their numbers are fewer, we need to ask ourselves why. Where did they go?
Combating Islamophobia at its roots means attacking the structures of domination and division that produce it, promote it, and use it. If we ignore those and fight only its surface expressions, we will lose.
For a Truly Radical Anti-Racism Read More »
We cannot be a free country when we have five percent of the world’s citizens and 25% of its prisoners. The fight against mass incarceration is a fight for liberty and dignity.
Mass Incarceration and the Contested Legacy of Civil Rights Read More »
We want people to participate, to share their experiences, to share their hearts, to take care of one another, and to build communities that can fight capitalism and fight the state. This is the first step.
Helping Refugees Means Fighting the State. And Vice-Versa. Read More »
Issues of homelessness and low economic opportunity should be front and center for the LGBTQ movement, because they’re hurting the section of our movement that is traditionally the most dynamic, which is young people.
When the Liberal Gay Agenda Really Is the Problem Read More »
Somewhere along the way HBS lost its qualification as an actual educational institution, and just became a facilitator for big business, without even deigning to question the nature of capitalism anymore.
People grabbing history by the scruff of the neck and attempting to exercise their own political agency is incredibly inspiring. How can it not be, when we live in a culture which insists that we do not have the right to control our own lives?
For a Resurgence of Insurgent Dignity Read More »
We’re still teaching economics today without mentioning the living world that we’re destroying, the unpaid care of parents, or the commons, leaving students well short of the worldview they need to take on the 21st century. That’s why they’re rebelling.
Chase Out the Old Goats, Reprogram the Doomsday Machine Read More »
We have to be braced, both in the sense that history gives us a framework for seeing what’s possible, but also in realizing that some of what’s possible is terrifying.
Tyranny: Consent and Resistance Read More »
“Everything we need is already inside of us as black people. It’s absolutely necessary that we recognize our very rich history of rebellion in this country, one that we can learn from and build off of, and that we can use right now in this moment.
We Will Bring About Our Own Liberation Read More »